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An Anti-Mask Pastor Has Been Court Ordered To Preach Science & Fined $23,000 In Calgary

The judge said that he is "on the wrong side of science" and "common sense."

An Anti-Mask Pastor Has Been Court Ordered To Preach Science & Fined $23,000 In Calgary

A street pastor in Calgary was fined $23,000 and ordered by the courts to preach science during his anti-mask advocate speeches.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski was charged along with his brother Dawid and Whistle Stop restaurant owner Christopher Scott.

According to the Calgary Herald, Pawlowski had broken two previous court orders to follow public health measures, and Alberta Health Services sought to place him in jail for 21 days. However, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Adam Germain said that doing so "would simply martyr him."

The judge ruled that in addition to being fined and put on probation, they have to also preach science if they continue to fight COVID-19 public health rules, according to CBC.

This means they have to present medical expert opinions and facts when preaching anti-mask narratives.

Judge Germain said that Scott and the Pawlowskis "have contributed to this ominous health situation" and "encouraged others to doubt the legitimacy of the pandemic."

The judge added that this included inciting followers to go against public health restrictions, and gathering in large groups while unmasked. The article also noted that the Pawlowskis "denied health officials entry to their church in Dover, a neighbourhood in southeast Calgary."

Pastor Pawlowski now has to pay his $23,000 fine and serve 18 months probation during which he must obey all Alberta Health Services orders and provide 120 hours of community service work.

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