President Donald J Trump has taken the reigns on the monetary side of the MAGA movement in a shift that will draw a distinction between the RNC and the priorities of the MAGA movement.   President Trump is starting his own Political Action Committee.

While President Trump has affirmed he will not initiate a third political party, he is taking a strategic third party financial approach with the initiation of SAVE AMERICA PAC.

Visit Donald J Trump – Save America PAC Here

For those who want a third party option, this approach is even smarter.  Essentially, if people use the PAC instead of the RNC contribution President Trump will control the cash.   This positions President Trump to determine which political candidates will be endorsed, supported and ultimately funded…. including primary challengers.

The PAC will operate to push the MAGA agenda, and easily be a workaround for the RNC rules against funding primary opponents.  Third party funding to take over the GOP!